National Sales Manager Jobs in Doha
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jobs 31 - 34 of 34
Marketing & Sales Coordinator
- Doha | Jul 28, 2011
- Doha, Qatar - Responsibility: Co-ordination for data management role, reports, formats, follow-ups, documentation, assist the group Sales director in day to day activity
Director Of Sales Doha Asap
- Doha | Feb 28, 2011 Europe Hospitality Management
- Europe Hospitality Management - Doha, Qatar - Excellent knowledge of Planning organizing/communication/ presentation/negotiation skills, Preferable European nationality
Director Of Sales Doha
- Doha | Feb 16, 2011 Europe Hospitality Management
- Europe Hospitality Management - Doha, Qatar - Excellent knowledge of Planning organizing/communication/ presentation/negotiation skills, Preferable European nationality
Sales Manager
- Doha | Dec 27, 2010 SKC Management Consultancy P Ltd.
- SKC Management Consultancy P Ltd. - India - Doha, Qatar - There is an opening for SALES MANAGER in one of the well established companies based in Qatar.Competence