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Sales Representative Jobs in Najma
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Secretary, Accountant And Sales & Marketing Representative
- Najma | Apr 2, 2016
- Najma, Doha, Qatar - Doha Team Trading (Qatar) is a leading company in serving various industries all over the world. Our job as the Business Leader is to stay at the for...
Secretary, Accountant And Sales & Marketing Representative
- Najma | Mar 10, 2016
- Najma, Doha, Qatar - Doha Team Trading (Qatar) is a leading company in serving various industries all over the world. Our job as the Business Leader is to stay at the for...
Mba (Marketing) Looking For Job
- Najma | Feb 27, 2012 al hima electronics
- al hima electronics - Najma, Doha, Qatar - MBA marketing wanted job .worked as marketing assistant in stock exchange. and worked as sales representative in medcine